
open class SplitPattern(text: String, delimiters: String = ",", removeTrailingAsterisks: Boolean = true)

Splits given text into parts and provides testing utilities for its elements. Basic use cases are to specify different function or class names in the detekt yaml config and test for their appearance in specific rules.


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fun SplitPattern(text: String, delimiters: String = ",", removeTrailingAsterisks: Boolean = true)


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fun any(value: String?): Boolean

Is there any element which matches the given value?

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fun contains(value: String?): Boolean

Does any part contain given value?

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fun <T> mapAll(transform: (String) -> T): List<T>

Transforms all parts by given transform function.

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fun matches(value: String): List<String>

Finds all parts which match the given value.

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fun none(value: String): Boolean

Tests if none of the parts contain the given value.

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fun startWith(value: String?): Boolean

Tests if any part starts with the given value


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